Please adhere to the following submission guidelines:
- Abstracts: Should be no more than 300 words, highlighting research objectives, methodology, and key findings.
- Full Papers: Should follow APA style and not exceed 7,000 words, including references, tables, figures, and appendices.
- Use the AABD paper template provided here (aabd-model.docx).
This template includes all the styles that you will need and has been locked to limit you to those styles. For example, if you paste text from another document, the inserted text will automatically be converted to ‘Normal’ style; Times New Roman 11, with 6pt spacing after the paragraph. You may then want to apply the styles provided within the template.
- Submissions should be in English or French.
- Submissions must be made electronically in Word through the AABD conference submission
Rejoignez-nous en Afrique du Sud pour ce grand rendez-vous de partage de connaissances et de réseautage entre tous les acteurs clés du développement en Afrique visant à examiner le rôle de l’inclusion numérique dans le développement durable du continent. Nous attendons avec impatience vos contributions et l’opportunité de vous rencontrer lors de ce grand événement continental.
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